5 Reasons to Attend Push to Publish

Push to Publish

Still looking for reasons to attend the Push to Publish conference on October 8? Here are a few:

  1. Speed Date: Yes, we have plenty of agents to meet with if you have a finished novel ready to pitch (find their bios here), but we also have some great editors, including Tiffany Hill, Acquisitions Editor at Quirk Books (cookbooks, craft books, and other nonfiction); Christine Neulieb, editorial director of Lanternfish Press (“looking for smart but offbeat literary fiction”), and Tara Tomczyk, editor in chief at Blydyn Square Books (literary, character-driven fiction). PLUS, there will be poetry/nonfiction/fiction editors from Painted Bride Quarterly, Schuylkill Valley Journal, and, of course, Philadelphia Stories! Many Push to Publish attendees have had their work discovered through their dates with editors!

2. New panel discussions for 2016: The day’s informative program includes a new hands-on PR workshop, tips for crafting a novel, how to find the best publisher for your work, and writing diverse characters. We’ll also host our popular and lively “meet the agents” closing panel discussion. Bring your questions and ideas!

3. Inspiring keynote speaker: Bestselling author Robin Black will discuss craft, the roller coaster ride that is the writer’s life, and more. She’ll also lead a “Point of View Bootcamp” master class the day before the conference. (You can read our interview with Robin here.)

4. Meet New Friends: Push to Publish is a great way to expand your professional learning network of colleagues who share your passion for writing. Network over breakfast, lunch, and our closing happy hour and expand your creative support group!

5. Because you deserve it: We all know how hard it is to carve out time for our passion, but don’t you deserve a day on the beautiful Rosemont College campus to nurture your craft? Join the hundreds of writers who have found inspiration at Push to Publish, now celebrating its 10th year! As one attendee wrote: “I love being a part of this event. The fact that the conference draws so many people who care about writing every year is a testament to PS’s positive and affirming style!”

Find the complete program here: http://tinyurl.com/PushtoPub2016

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