Writing Prompt Wednesday

Writing Tips

Many writers discuss the same themes in their work. This
writing exercise is to help you sort out what are your major themes in your own

Take about ten minutes and think about who or what you
believe in.

After the ten minutes have passed, start writing down your
beliefs in this format:

I believe in…

I believe…..

Come up with about twenty of them. Do you see a common
theme? Think about what makes you connect to those things. Why do you believe
in that person? What does he or she mean to your life? Look at the things you believe
in. Think about why you are attracted to those things.

Keep this list near you when you write. As you begin to get
stuck with a character’s motive or maybe an overall theme, look at your list.
These are things you most likely want to talk about. Think about how those
things on your list can make it into your work.

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